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![]() Established in 1993, the Company was listed in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange four years later. It is the first listed joint-stock company under the "shopping basket program" and a "Key Enterprise of Agricultural Industrialization". The company has production bases spread across the Hainan Island and its products are widely distributed throughout China. It possesses a registered capital of RMB 880 million. 公司充分利用海南无疫区得天独厚的自然条件和区位优势,始终致力海南"菜篮子"工程建设和热带现代农业发展,为海南改变畜禽产品依赖岛外供应的历史和平抑"菜篮子"物价做出了突出贡献。公司是海南省规模最大、配套产业体系最完备的畜牧业龙头企业,建立完善以畜牧产业为主的良种繁育、畜禽商品生产、饲料供应、畜禽防疫、屠宰加工、环保利用、科研推广等十大配套体系。年出栏优质种猪6万头、优质商品猪50万头。在全省17个市县建有40余个现代化畜牧养殖基地,是... [详细介绍]